Workflows & Wireframes
Creating a great user experience requires understanding and planning. Workflows are both analytical and exploratory tools that allow us to understand a process and find opportunities for improvement. Wireframes provide the blueprint for the application which can be designed before going into costly development.
Process Maps
Process maps allow the project team to understand how a person, piece of information, or an entire process happens over time. It's important to see how an action starts and where it is affected down the line. This helps identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.
Experience Maps
Mapping a user's journey throughout an entire experience is both an analytical and generative tool. It allows designers and clients to see the process from end to end, identifying pain points and opportunities. And during concept generation it provides a template for exploration beyond the main customer touchpoints.
Wireframes are the blueprint of a site or application. They provide structure and guidance for the design and development process and also allow you to test early concepts with real users.
You wouldn't buy a house that was built without a blueprint would you?